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The biggest challenges for women in the workplace and how to overcome them:

Hello, Hello...!!!!

A woman´s life is full of challenges, and the workplace is no exception. In addition to

professional challenges, we often face something even more difficult: balancing the

multiple roles we play every day. Being professionals, mothers, daughters, friends,

partners, etc. and doing everything well is an expectation that accompanies us


However, these different roles are often not recognised and valued as they should be,

which adds another layer of pressure to our daily lives.

1. The challenge of work-life balance:

One of the biggest challenges is achieving that balance between our work

responsibilities and our personal lives. We find ourselves juggling between being

mothers, daughters, friends and professionals, and it seems like we always have to be

100% on top of everything! But the reality is that we are human. It's important to be

organised and realistic about what we can handle. Set clear boundaries between work

and home, respect them and, above all, respect yourself. It´s OK to say ‘no’ when you

need to. Prioritising doesn´t make you selfish, it makes you stronger.

2. Lack of recognition and unequal pay:

Many women play multiple roles and still face pay inequality. It is painful that the effort,

sacrifice and dedication we put into both our jobs and our other roles are often not

adequately valued. It is vital that we learn to speak up, demand our due and recognise

our own value. Let us break through the fear that often holds us back from negotiating

for better pay and positions. Believing in our own value is the first step towards the

recognition we deserve.

3. Gender stereotypes and the different roles of women:

Stereotypes have placed us in difficult positions. At work, if we are too soft, we are

perceived as weak, but if we are assertive, we are labelled as bossy. Moreover, the

world seems to forget that, in addition to our work, we have important roles outside the

office. Being a mother or a carer, for example, is not seen in the same way as it is for

men. How can we overcome this? By being true to ourselves. By claiming that we can

be leaders, carers, professionals and friends, and that none of these roles should be

underestimated. You don´t have to fit into one box - be all that you are, and don't

apologise for it!

4. The impostor syndrome: An internal challenge

One of the most common challenges is the famous imposter syndrome. That feeling

that we do not deserve our achievements or that, at some point, someone will ‘discover’

that we are not good enough. And if we add to this the fact that our multiple roles are

often not valued as they should be, the feeling intensifies. The truth is that you are

incredibly capable, and each of those roles that you balance, both inside and outside of

work, is another sign of your strength. Don´t let doubt stop you.

5. La falta de oportunidades de liderazgo:

Aunque las mujeres estamos cada vez más presentes en el ámbito laboral, muchas

veces se nos niegan las posiciones de liderazgo. Y aquí es donde también entran los

múltiples roles que asumimos: la idea de que ser madre o tener una vida personal

activa puede “distraernos” de nuestras responsabilidades profesionales. Pero esto no

es cierto. Si algo tenemos las mujeres, es una increíble capacidad para gestionar,

liderar y equilibrar. No tengas miedo de levantar la mano, postularte para esas

posiciones y mostrar todo lo que puedes aportar. Si tus múltiples roles te han enseñado

algo, es cómo ser una líder efectiva.

The value of different roles in a woman´s life:

One of the most complex realities for us is that work is not our only role. We are women,

mothers, friends, caregivers, leaders, and we do all of this simultaneously, with love and

effort. However, this multitasking is often not recognised for what it is worth. It is

essential that we ourselves value and recognise each of these roles, because they are

all part of our success. Being a mother or taking care of our family does not make us

less capable at work, in fact, it makes us more resilient and exceptionally skilled at

problem solving and stress management.

The power of community and self-care:

I have always been sustained by the power of community. Surrounding yourself with

other women who also face the same challenges is a source of strength. We support

each other, learn together and celebrate our victories. You are not alone on this journey.

And remember, taking care of yourself is a priority. Sometimes the biggest challenge is

giving ourselves permission to rest, recharge and remember that we can't do it all, all the time.

Self-care is not a luxury it is a necessity.

We can summarise: a woman has multiple roles and therefore infinite power.

The work challenges for a woman are undeniable, but so is our ability to overcome

them. Each of the roles we take on makes us stronger, more versatile and more

powerful. Don´t let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep going, trust in yourself and keep

breaking barriers. Always remember that you are the protagonist of your own life and

therefore you write your own story.

Bye, Bye!



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