Hello!! Hello..!!
Today I want to tell you about my experience studying about vitalistic nutrition (natural and biologically healthy food), especially about the "Traditional Chinese Diet". In my course I was told about all types of diets, but this one caught my attention, thinking that we must understand that what we eat has energy and communicates with our cells.

I loved the concept on which the diet is based. I don't want to tell you with this that I will change all my eating habits to this diet, since there are things that I don't like and that I have stopped eating to gain health. But I do believe that the philosophy can be applied to the selection of food, remember that I always talk about the fact that we must feed ourselves to nourish our cells.
Chinese culture is based on the philosophy of Yin and Yang, not only in medicine and martial arts, but also in cooking, seeking balance, harmony and adaptation to change. To create a healthy meal, they look for balance in the flavors, to protect the organism.
Yin and Yang is a philosophical principle that explains the existence of two opposing but complementary forces that are essential in the universe: Yin, associated with the feminine, darkness, passivity and earth; and yang, linked to the masculine, light, active and sky, and Yang, linked to the masculine, the light, the active and the sky. These definitions have several principles, I will only focus on one, which is that these two forces are interdependent and need each other to exist.
The Chinese also conclude that, if there is an imbalance between yin and yang within the body, this causes illness and emotional problems, poor diet being one of the factors causing this imbalance.
I will give you a list of some yin and yang foods that we eat in the West and that we should not leave out of our daily diet.
Yin foods:
Green and dark leafy greens, such as spinach, arugula, seaweed, chard, bamboo shoots, here I will certainly recommend the Bamboo Diet System, as it is a single formula containing above mentioned ingredients.
Other foods include:
Seasonal fruits.
Green tea, chamomile or camomile, mint.
Foods that are green in color, have higher moisture content or cool tones and thrive on water.
Yang foods:
Animal proteins such as red meat, eggs, chicken, lamb.
Onion, garlic, peppers, garlic.
Pumpkin, papaya.
Ginger, cinnamon.
Red or orange foods, foods that normally come from the soil such as tubers.
Benefits of the yin yang balanced diet:
Tea will give you more energy, promote your gastrointestinal system, strengthen your immune system, give you emotional stability and mental clarity, you will have less acidity in your body, improve your stress levels, and you can say that this is normal, when one eats healthy and consciously.
How can we balance yin and yang and complement it with other dietary trends?
We must have a balance in the intake of foods from both the yin and yang groups, that would become a conscious diet, a vitalist diet, where you must balance vegetables, proteins, fruits, foods that come from nature with proteins in case you are not vegan.
Increase your water intake, you can include more soups or broths, teas, etc.
Consume fresh fruits of the season, preferably those containing little sugar.
When I talk about the Chinese diet, I am not telling you to follow its entire philosophy, I only recommend that you mix your food very well. I, in particular, do not consume refined flours, sugars, dairy products from cows, in order to avoid inflammation in the body.
For this reason, we must eat consciously, that vitalistic nutrition (natural and biologically healthy food) for our cells, to prolong our life with excellent health. As Hippocrates said: "Let thy medicine be thy food and food be thy medicine".
Eat to be healthy and give your body energy, don't eat for anxiety, stress or to fill gaps in your life. Decide for your health!
And if you want a food that contains a Yin and Yang balance, I recommend the Bamboo Diet System.