Who has not suffered at some point from: Gas, flatulence, gastritis, intestinal pain or discomfort, bloating, diarrhea or constipation Almost all of us have had it at some point in our lives, and if it happens from time to time, it may be because we ate something that did not suit us, but if it happens frequently and several days a week or for several weeks, we must look for the cause and handle it on tie.
If you suffer from persistent diarrhea, it could be due to a mild viral infection which resolves spontaneously in a few days. This is called viral gastroenteritis. This can be caused by contaminated food and water. Diarrhea can also occur due to inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn´s disease and ulcerative colitis are one of them which can also present blood in the stool and abdominal pain.
There are people intolerant to lactose, to gluten with-out being celiac, have celiac disease, cystic fibrosis or intolerance to cow´s milk protein, it is called malabsorption syndrome, this is handled promptly depending on what causes it.
We have heard a lot about irritable bowel syndrome, it is the most chronic form of stomach upset, worsened by stress, includes cramps, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea often alternate.
Gastritis can also cause long-term intestinal discomfort, it can be caused by food sensitivity, inadequate food mixtures, use of certain medication frequently, excess of alcohol and bacterial infection. The latter is treated with antibiotics, the others with a change in lifestyle.
When we have these discomforts or any of them, the bacterial flora of our intestine is being altered.
The intestinal bacterial flora is a set of micro-organisms or bacteria that live in our intestine, whose function is to defend the body from bacteria, viruses or diseases, to ensure the proper functioning of our digestive system, collaborates in the production of vitamins and in the correct absorption of minerals.
Knowing the role of bacterial flora and all the discomforts that can occur in our intestine and digestive system, the first thing we must do is to change the way we eat, our food must be our medicine.
A healthy lifestyle is a diet rich in natural fibers, vegetable, fruits, legumes, nuts and whole grains. Doing this you will be feeding the bacterial flora in a healthy way. If you do not have this habit, try gradually to add this group of foods to your daily diet to avoid gas and flatulence.
Drink enough water. It is recommended between 6 or 8 glasses of water a day. This helps to facilitate digestion, keeps the intestine hydrated and avoid constipation.
Consume unsaturated fats, olive oil is one of the most recommended due to its antioxidant properties, it reduces inflammation.
Avoid refined flours and sugars as they alter bacterial flora providing many more calories favoring weight gain.
Avoid red meat, these promote constipation and have a high content of unsaturated fat, which does not favor the bacterial flora or the cardiovascular system at all.
Avoid junk food It is very low in fiber and increases inflammation.
Just imagine that your body is your room, your temple, NOT a trash can.
Give your body the food that adds, that nourishes it, think about the benefit that each of the food you eat will give your body.