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What is Candidiasis?

If you have a diet with excess sugar and refined cereals?

If you take some medications such as antibiotics, corticosteroids, contraceptives, etc?

You are suffering from stress or have suffered from it in the past.?

Has ingestion of toxins such as alcohol, tobacco, etc?

Feel acidity?

He suffers from some endocrine diseases like diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc?

Alterations in the immune system?

You are overweight and despite doing a healthy diet you do not lose weight?

Well, you could be suffering from yeast infection.

What is Candidiasis?

It is a fungal infection (fungi) can be caused by different types of candida, but the most common is Candida albicans, which is a yeast that is present in our gastrointestinal tract, as well as the vagina, skin and oral cavity.

It is an opportunistic microorganism, which means that when there are adequate conditions, that is, the microbiotics of our skin, mouth and intestine are in good condition and the ecosystem is balanced, Candida albicans will not pose any problem. However, if these conditions are not met, there is an alteration in the pH of the area in which they are found, this is when Candida albicans can pose a problem, leading to an infection.

Candidiasis, which is the term used to refer to infections caused by candida (in this article we will focus on Candida albicans), is a disorder that is usually not serious, as is the case of oral or vaginal candidiasis. There is very serious candidiasis, which are called candidemia or systemic candidiasis, which can lead to death. This very serious type of yeast infection is not at all common, and people who are most at risk for it are those who are very immunosuppressed, such as patients with HIV and certain stages of some types of cancer.

Intestinal Candidiasis:

In the intestinal mucosa, candidacies can occur that develop very slowly, without showing obvious symptoms for a long time. Symptoms are usually very nonspecific: bloating and abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea and / or constipation, increased emission of low-odor normal winds, food intolerance, acidity, burning, poor tolerance to alcohol intake, etc. One characteristic that patients present is an exacerbated appetite for sweets.

There is the so-called chronic intestinal candidiasis for which no scientific basis has yet been found. The people who defend this theory affirm that many people, due to a diet high in simple sugars and foods rich in refined carbohydrates, as well as stress and other unhealthy lifestyle habits, suffer a proliferation of Candida albicans in the intestine, causing problems ranging from migraines, to being overweight and tired. This theory has grown enormously and there are numerous articles that we find in which it is specified how to eat to overcome this disorder and the cleansings and supplements that have to be taken. Eliminating simple sugars and carbohydrates is said to help overcome this problem. Of course, if we eliminate foods rich in simple sugars and refined carbohydrates, we will significantly improve our diet and, as a consequence, also our state of health.

What is true is that we will feel much better when we remove ultra-processed products from our diet (industrial breads, cookies, breakfast cereals, sugary dairy products, processed meat such as hamburgers and cold cuts, etc.) loaded with sugar, hydrogenated fats. and refined carbohydrates. At the same time that they eliminate these products from their diet, they begin to increase their consumption of vegetables, natural nuts, seeds, good quality fats (avocado, cold-pressed virgin oils, seeds, nuts). As a result, his digestive problems begin to ease and his general health improves.

The symptoms associated with chronic intestinal candidiasis are very diverse, ranging from migraines to fatigue, depression and being overweight. These symptoms do not have to be due to this supposed disorder; the root of these problems may be in poor diet, in bad habits and, consequently, in an altered and not very diverse intestinal microbiota. Having an altered and not very diverse microbiota makes us have worse digestions, we do not synthesize vitamins as important as D and K (essential for good bone health). In addition, it causes us to have a weaker immune system, that we feel sadder and less spirited, since 80% of the receptors for serotonin are found in our intestines, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for our mood and the regulation of circadian rhythms (which control our sleep patterns, among many other functions). Thus, both poor digestion such as insomnia, fatigue, recurrent infections caused by a weak immune system, as well as the malabsorption of various vitamins such as D, may be due to an altered and not very diverse microbiota, not to chronic intestinal candidiasis.

That is, by changing their diet, patients improve, but this does not show the fact that they have chronic intestinal candidiasis. We can interpret that by increasing consumption or starting to eat foods rich in fermentable fibers and antioxidants (green leafy vegetables and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc.) which have been shown to have a positive impact on the intestinal microbiota, improves your digestive health. Improving the diet in this way increases the diversity of microorganisms and improves intestinal health and our general health.

Following a healthy diet, highly vegetable, free of ultra-processed products and rich in fermentable fibers with prebiotic action improves our microbiota and as a consequence, our immune system will be stronger. Therefore, we will have a lower risk of suffering from an infection caused by candida, either in the vagina, on the skin, on the nails, the oral cavity or in the gastrointestinal tract.

If we have bodily characteristics that are not making us feel in optimal conditions such as inflammation, fluid retention, insomnia, poor digestion, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux, plus other symptoms read in this blog, we could make the decision to make a diet and natural treatment against Candida and complement it with two nutritional supplements, such as:

Immunologix I: Candida can outwit the immune system therefore we must have a bulletproof immune system, Immunologix is ​​an herbal formula (audiogenic or from higher plants) that helps to strengthen it, and serves as a retaining wall for our cells. We can complement this formula with Astragalus and Echinaccea amba are plants that help fight viruses, bacteria and fungi.

And if you consume any medical chemical medication to combat Candida, you must protect your liver with

Hepaforte, a formula that contains the best 21 superior plants on the planet that protect liver function.

At the Regenerative Medicine Center, we have medical specialists, formulas and plants to give you a better quality of life.



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