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The importance of happiness in health.

Hello, Hello!!!! This week, on March 20th is the International Day of Happiness.

Therefore, I wanted to dedicate this blog to the importance of happiness in health, I will

also talk about: What is happiness, The truth of whether we are happy every day or If

we are not happy every day? will we ever be happy?, etc.

First of all, I will define what happiness is: It is a positive state of mind that is

characterized by the feeling of joy, satisfaction and well-being. It is an emotion that we

all want to experience but, it is not always easy to achieve.

So, what is happiness?

Happiness is a complex concept that has been defined in many ways throughout

history. Some philosophers have seen it as a state of perfection or fulfillment, while

others have considered it as a simple absence of suffering.

Today, happiness is often defined as a state of subjective well-being characterized by

the presence of positive emotions, such as joy, satisfaction and love.

Are you happy every day of your life?

The short answer is no. Happiness is an emotion that fluctuates over time. There are

days when we feel happier than others, and there are times when happiness can be

overshadowed by suffering or sadness. However, it is important to remember that

happiness is not a permanent state. It is something we must cultivate and nurture

throughout life.

Am I not happy if I am not happy every day?

No. Happiness is a subjective state, and what makes one person happy may not make

another person happy.

What happens in our body when we are happy?

We release certain hormones.

When we are happy, our body releases a number of hormones that have positive effects

on our health. These hormones include:

- Serotonin: Serotonin is a hormone associated with mood, sleep and appetite. Elevated

levels of serotonin are associated with happiness, well-being and a sense of calm.

- Oxytocin: Oxytocin is a hormone that is associated with love, trust and social bonding.

Elevated levels of oxytocin are associated with happiness, positive social relationships

and a sense of connection with others.

- Dopamine: Dopamine is a hormone that is associated with pleasure, motivation and

learning. Elevated levels of dopamine are associated with happiness, a sense of

accomplishment and motivation to achieve our goals. But it is important to know that an

excess of Dopamine can also have harmful effects on our physical and mental health.

Health benefits of happiness:

Happiness has numerous health benefits, both physical and mental. These benefits


- Improved immune system: Happy people have a stronger immune system, which

helps them fight disease.

- Reduces risk of chronic diseases: Happiness is associated with a lower risk of chronic

diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

- Improves sleep quality: Happy people tend to sleep better than unhappy people.

- Reduces stress: Happiness helps reduce stress levels, which can have a positive

impact on physical and mental health.

- Increases longevity: Happy people tend to live longer than unhappy people.

Tips to be happy without being idealistic, this is very important, since we must see

happiness as a goal not as an immovable state in life:

Happiness is a goal we all want to achieve, but it is not always easy. However, there are

some things we can do to increase our chances of being happy.

1.Focus on the positive: Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on the positive in

your life. Find things to be grateful for and celebrate your successes, no matter how


2.Create positive relationships: Positive social relationships are an important source of

happiness. Spend time with people who make you feel good and support you.

3. Be kind to yourself: Be kind to yourself and accept your flaws. Don't compare yourself

to others and focus on being the best version of yourself.

4. Find your passion: Find something you are passionate about and that makes you feel

good. Dedicate time to your passions and you will see how your happiness increases.

5.Take care of your health: Take care of your physical and mental health. Eat a healthy

diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

Food is vital, because if we consume toxic foods, they alter our body systems and

deplete our energy to achieve moments of happiness.

Physical activity helps you to release the happiness hormones mentioned above.

These tips will help you increase your chances of being happy, but it is important to

remember that happiness is a subjective state. What makes one person happy may not

make another person happy.

The important thing is to find what makes you happy and cultivate it throughout your life.

Remember that being happy depends on you, just like being healthy.

Bye, Bye.



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