Hello, Hello!!!!
Today I want to talk to you about a topic that, although common, is often not discussed enough: gas or abdominal distension. This phenomenon, although it may seem superficial, can become very uncomfortable and even painful.

This is a condition, which does not occur 24 hours a day or seven days a week, but it does occur frequently in both men and women, but when it happens to women it can be mixed with the days of menstruation or any other hormonal change.
I have had to learn to deal with this issue and to understand the various causes that can lead to excessive gas production.
The first thing to understand is that gas is completely normal. It is part of the digestion process and we all experience it to a greater or lesser extent. However, when they accumulate in excess, they can cause bloating, discomfort and pain.
Diet is one of the most significant factors in gas production. Some foods are known to generate more gas than others, such as beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage, fruits and carbonated beverages. Mixtures of certain types of foods are also responsible for causing gas, here are some examples: Proteins and carbohydrates: Combining protein (such as beef) with carbohydrates (such as bread) can be difficult to digest and can cause gas.
This is because proteins and carbohydrates require different enzymes and pH levels for optimal digestion, which can cause fermentation and thus gas. Dairy and any food: Many people are intolerant to lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products.
This intolerance means that the body does not produce enough lactase enzyme to break down lactose, which can result in symptoms such as gas, bloating and diarrhea. Do not mix protein and dairy as it delays digestion time: Protein and dairy are broken down at different rates in the stomach.
Protein requires an acidic environment and more time to break down, while dairy is digested more quickly.
When consumed together, dairy may be digested first, leaving protein to ferment in the stomach, which can produce gas.
Fruits and any food: Eating fruits right after a meal can slow down the digestion process and cause fermentation in the stomach, fruit is digested faster than other foods and those that delay are fermented, which can result in gas and bloating. Foods rich in fiber and protein:
Fiber and protein are essential nutrients, but can cause gas when consumed in large amounts. This is because fiber adds bulk to the stool and protein can cause gas when broken down in the intestine.
Legumes and any food: Legumes, such as beans and lentils, contain sugars that the body may have difficulty breaking down, which can cause gas. Also, eating quickly can cause us to swallow more air, which can increase the amount of gas in our digestive system. Another possible cause is an imbalance in the intestinal flora.
Our intestines harbor a number of bacteria that help break down food. When this balance is disturbed, it can lead to excessive gas production. Factors such as antibiotic use, illness or food intolerance can trigger this imbalance. Stress can also influence gas production.
When we are stressed, our body can go into fight or flight mode, which is nothing more than wanting to run away, which can affect our digestion and result in increased gas production, this is because we are stressed and the way we digest food is altered. For example, stress can cause the stomach and intestines to move faster or slower than normal, which can lead to poor digestion and gas buildup.
So, oddly enough, stress may be one of the reasons you feel bloated or have gas.
In conclusion, including dietary changes, learning to eat more slowly, managing stress and, if necessary, seeking the help of a health professional to help you with these causes, can improve your predisposition to suffer from gases.
I will always focus, with more emphasis, on food, take care of your food mixes based on the tips above, and eating slower will help you improve 70% to 80% of not being able to handle stress 100%. Decide for your health.
Bye, Bye.